finding your balance.

Balance is something that’s a never ending project for me so when the ladies of GoBlogSocial asked what I’d be interested in speaking about at their Chicago pop-up shop, I immediately knew that I wanted to share some insights into Finding Your Balance. These days there are so many inspiring stories out there about bloggers making a gazillion dollars and turning their sites into brands but frankly, that’s not the path for everyone. As a blogger who also has a full-time job, sometimes these stories of success can be demotivating – for awhile I was actually ashamed to admit that I never wanted to blog full time. I felt like it meant that I didn’t believe I could do it or that my blog wasn’t successful unless I made that giant leap. But as time went on, I realized that I loved blogging so much because it wasn’t my full time job; there wasn’t the same amount of stress or pressure to make money. Blogging while also having a career has allowed me to be selective about the opportunities that come my way and have prevented me from burnout.

I wanted to share my little presentation for anyone who missed out on GoBlogSocial – I hope you find it helpful or inspiring in some way in your own journey to find your balance.

Finding Your Balance from prettyandfun

 What has been most helpful in finding your balance? Is there anything else you’d add to the presentation?