Search Results for: chicago

June Cravings.

Cravings // June 2017.

I'm headed to Chicago tomorrow for a client event on Thursday and am SO EXCITED to get a few days of Summertime Chi - summer tends to be so grey and gloomy in San Francisco and I'm feeling very ready for some sunshine (although I've heard it's been really HOT lately!). I still can't believe that we're half way through 2017; I've been thinking a lot about how I want to finish the year out and brainstorming a few more travel plans for some time to get inspired and unwind. Do you have any trips…

Ask Cait // Q&A V1.

Ask Cait // Your Questions, Answered Monthly!

I am super excited to be kicking off a new series today: Ask Cait! My very favorite thing about blogging is being able to connect with all of you and after answering a bunch of questions via email and Instagram, I wanted to bring it on over to the blog because you guys have some pretty great questions and I want to be here to help ya out! Ask Cait will be a monthly series where I'll answer your questions - so keep 'em comin! You can submit any question that's on your mind via…

On Our Radar.

Happy Saturday, everyone! It’s been an exciting week for the Pretty & Fun team as Cait spent some time at home on the East Coast and I started working on some new projects here in D.C. Still, it kind of felt like one of those weeks that was never going to end, but at last we’ve all made it to Memorial Day weekend! I’m excited to go to my first Nat’s game of the season with some friends on Saturday afternoon and then hit up my favorite farmer’s market and yoga class the following morning.…

Thoughts on Serendipity & Doing What You Love.

Thoughts on Serendipity & Doing What You Love.

Maybe this is the wisdom of getting older speaking or perhaps the reflection and reset that tends to come with travel but I spent some serious time on my flight home from Colombia yesterday thinking about happiness and the importance of loving what you do. We can all get so consumed by the idea of what we’re supposed to be doing or focused on simply checking tasks off our to do lists and before we know it, time has flown past while we’ve been totally heads down. And that’s definitely not going to add any…

On Our Radar.

Welcome to the weekend! It’s Ellie with another roundup of content from around the web that has landed on our radar this week. I’m holding down the fort while Cait is on a trip to Cartegena, Colombia. Be sure to follow her on Instagram for some breathtaking shots of her experience (the photo above is just a sneak peek). Meanwhile, here in D.C., the potential for rainy spring weather this weekend has me looking at some projects to tackle on my mile-long to do list. My space is in desperate need of some spring cleaning,…