everything’s a blur.

// this really doesn’t directly relate to this post but I’m on an Avett Brothers kick 
& they’ve been on repeat at every possible chance – 
one of those bands you just love having on in the background to help ground you

This is shaping up to be just one of those weeks. It’s 9:30 PM, I just got home from work and I’ve eaten nothing today besides a Clif Bar and my morning coffee. I have a grand total of zero blog posts done and scheduled for this week, my sink is full of dishes and I’m currently in panic mode over an event tomorrow night thanks to my apartment management company. Originally I had planned to stick to my editorial calendar and whip up a post about Blogging & Social Media (which will come soon, promise) but I realized that wasn’t a true reflection of things at the moment.

Everything’s a bit of a blur. I know this is something we all go through – those times where time flies by faster than you’d like and it feels like a complete struggle to keep up with all that’s on your plate. These are the moments where it’s more about keeping afloat than swimming; these are the weeks where you truly work for the weekend (and then maybe work through it too, let’s be real here).

So I’m not just going to gloss over it and fool you all into thinking it’s smooth sailing over here. This week is a tough one and this overwhelmed feeling is something we all go through. I’m working on getting ahead of things a bit in order to get at least some of the planned content out but I wanted to take a second and get some feedback from you (because you’re all the best) – any advice for dealing with these moments where everything’s a blur? Tips for dealing with exceptional craziness? Favorite ways to relax or things to keep in mind? All is welcome!
