2014 highlights.

One of my favorite things about blogging is the whole remembering aspect of it – this blog has become an archive of the past four years of my life and I love being able to look back and remember and reflect through old posts. All too often time flies past us and while we remember the general sentiment and some highlights of it, we also forget a ton.

I happen to be a big fan of New Year’s Eve, not because of the champagne and sequins aspect of it (really, I appreciate those two year round), but more because of the reflection and goal setting that comes with the fresh start of a new year. So today, let’s talk a little walk down memory lane of 2014, shall we?

Some favorite photos and moments from:

Highlights // 2014.

Traveling a ton (48 flights total!) including first time trips to Nashville, SF, Paris & London
Having my loft and my beloved black bedroom wall + bar cart featured on Glitter Guide
Spending an amazing weekend in LA with Nike & getting my butt kicked at NTC Tour
Partnerships with Kate Spade, Madewell, Stoli Vodka, Spotify & more
Seeing Dave Matthews Band on the 4th of July at Northerly Island with some of my favorites
Discovering Flywheel and becoming totally addicted to the sweat filled spin sessions
Checking “take a trapeze lesson” off my 101 in 1001 list, even if I was sore for days afterward
Totally relaxing and unwinding during a week on the Outer Banks with my family & Blaine
Relaunching the blog with a rebrand and full site redesign + WordPress migration
Providing some perspective on balance & speaking at GoBlogSocial’s Chicago pop up
Making the big decision to move from Chicago to San Francisco (Saturday! AH)
Being part of SELF Magazine’s #SELFMade Collective with a feature in their January issue

Last year I started the habit of setting one umbrella intention for the year vs. a list of random resolutions (I have enough to check off with my 101 in 1001 list!) – I loved having one overarching guide for my goals for the year and plan on doing the same for 2015 but with all of the moving chaos, I haven’t had time to really sit down and think about it yet.

Do you have an intention for 2015? What were some of your favorite parts of the past year? Anyone have any fun resolutions or goals set for the year ahead? Happy New Year, everyone!