explorer mode.

Explorer Mode.// photo via Katie Armour

Now that I am feeling moderately settled in my new city (our movers are scheduled to arrive this morning! Horray for sleeping in a real bed! And having more than three shirts to wear!), I’m eager to explore. To try new places and see new things. To find places I can call “my favorite” as I begin to make San Francisco feel like home. Luckily the weather is prime for exploring – on Tuesday afternoon I took a break from my laptop and took Callie for an eight mile walk with no real destination in mind. It was so much fun to start to experience the different vibes of each neighborhood and we ended up by the bay during the golden hour which was pure magic.

So, I could use some of your help while I’m in explorer mode. Who has some San Francisco favorites I should check out? Anything you’ve seen or done in the city that was super amazing? What is the best thing you’ve eaten in SF? Favorite coffee or brunch spots? Help a girl out, I’m a newbie ;)