Search Results for: marathon

workout // flywheel.

By now you've probably heard me talk about Flywheel at some point. It's my new thing and has filled the running-shaped void in my life since I've decided to take a little break from marathoning and dabble in group fitness classes. In case you've been curious about what the whole #NeverCoast phenomena is about, here are some details on my latest fitness addiction: My first Flywheel experience at NTC Tour LA with Holly Rilinger The Workout: Flywheel ($25/class) Data driven, interval-focused spin classes that are held in an indoor "stadium" complete with music that corresponds with the pace…

workout // the barre code.

I realized recently that this is my first summer in Chicago where I'm not marathon training - crazy, right?! Now that I'm on the hunt for workouts other than long runs, I wanted to launch a new blog series to give you the scoop on some of the new workouts I'm trying and would love to hear about your favorites as well. Expect the full rundown on my latest sweat-fests, with info on what to expect, what to wear and what you might feel like afterward. // The reveal of Barre Bee Fit's total rebrand…

finding a new fitness routine.

Confession: I took a serious break from working out after the marathon in October. Like, five months without any kind of workout. And while it was awesome at first (so much extra time!), it started to feel really gross. I'll be the first to admit that I am not the kind of girl who loves working out. I grew up riding horses and was always able to stay in shape from riding almost every day. Running became my new thing after moving to Chicago and it was enjoyable because I was working toward a goal, but…

march highlights.

March was a bit of a blur for me and I'm still pretty confused about this whole spring situation and if we're ever going to ever actually get to experience warmer weather. Isn't this month supposed to come in like a lion and out like a lamb? Where's the damn lamb?! / rant. But anyway, here are some highlights from the month: Snowy fetch on weekend mornings with Callie Morning latte post photo shoot out of my favorite mug (thanks, Maria!) Long overdue bar cart styling Faking spring with fresh blooms The most perfect blowout…

NTC tour LA.

Last weekend I was lucky enough to escape the Chicago winter and spend a few days in LA with Nike representing the Windy City as part of their Nike Training Club tour. It was an absolutely incredible opportunity and definitely a blogging career highlight and after spending three days with women from all over the world and being immersed in fitness, I'm feeling grateful and inspired in a way that I don't know if I've ever experienced before. There was plenty of sunshine and time at the beach and the Viceroy Hotel had the most…